从手机左侧向右拖动即可返回上一级,从底部横条向上滑动屏幕即可返回主屏幕【回答】有没有APP可以使点击小圆点返回上一级的【提问】iphone11悬浮球单击不能返回上一Explore the latest from Apple. Shop Mac notebooks and desktops, Apple Watch, iPhone Use the new Apple Store app to shop, research, check out upcoming events, and get the。
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从手机左侧向右拖动即可返回上一级,从底部横条向上滑动屏幕即可返回主屏幕【回答】有没有APP可以使点击小圆点返回上一级的【提问】iphone11悬浮球单击不能返回上一Explore the latest from Apple. Shop Mac notebooks and desktops, Apple Watch, iPhone Use the new Apple Store app to shop, research, check out upcoming events, and get the。